“On A Mission” with Eileen Daughtery WeSearch Research

by | Jul 28, 2021 | On a Mission | 0 comments

Each week on “On a Mission” we talk to community leaders who are out to make a positive impact in the area. Today, our host Wendy Norfleet talks Eileen Daughtery WeSearch Research.

WeSearch Research is unique to the clinical research industry because they offer accessibility and continuity of care by providing resources and tools that guides people to their healthcare destiny.

To learn more please shoot an email to eileenmarie315@gmail.com.

Short company description: Achieving health and wellness by linking communities to current research opportunities.

What makes your company unique?: WSR is unique to the clinical research industry because we offer accessibility and continuity of care by providing resources and tools that guides people to their healthcare destiny.

How do you define success?: Success is the act of advancing toward a goal with a purpose.

Who in the industry inspires you and why?: I admire clinical research organizations with humanitarian backgrounds and who hold the highest standards in the industry like UCLA or PPD.

What is a tip for success that you would provide someone in your same industry?:

Always have these 3 things in your back pocket:
1. Your elevator speech – you k ow know who you’ll meet
2. Set SMART goals – so you set yourself up with attainable success
3. Do your homework- know where to access your resources and back your claims


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