“On A Mission” with Kalee Jenkins from Allelon | Holistic Therapies

by | Jul 12, 2022 | On a Mission | 0 comments

Each week on “On a Mission” we talk to community leaders who are out to make a positive impact in the area. Today, our host Wendy Norfleet talks with Kalee Jenkins from Allelon | Holistic Therapies.

The word Allelon comes from a Greek mantra that paints a clear picture of what a community should look like: A diverse group of people with different experiences, races, and socioeconomic backgrounds, all working together to uplift and encourage healing for those around them because of the benefit it has on their own life. It was, in a sense, the first time a society lived out the Golden Rule. Allelon | Holistic Therapies will be a one-stop shop for people that are looking for a place to connect and heal in a truly unique and personalized manner. Guests can come and choose holistic therapies that they feel will suit their individual interests. The goal of Allelon intake officers is to help the individuals find balance within their mind, body, and soul.

To learn more, check out https://allelonjax.org.

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