Work: Post Pandemic

by | Jun 10, 2021 | Business Forum, Coaching | 0 comments

The more we are forced to “social distance” from our colleagues, the more we want to be together. Human contact and shared connection cannot be replaced by Zoom and virtual meeting applications, whether our coworkers or close relatives.

As social creatures, we crave interaction which is through meeting in person, brainstorming, and socializing. We crave the ability to connect again. This is how our community works: by building and strengthening relationships. We cultivate our combined purpose and culture through coaching and mentoring.

The pandemic has brought life to a standstill, with most people stuck in their homes. Although life is gradually returning to normal, our mental state might never go back to its pre-pandemic state.

Workers Now Expected to Work Remotely

Several businesses and companies had to move to an entirely virtual setup, something out of the ordinary for most companies. But how did they manage to remain functional during this transition?

There are several perks of switching to an online setup, and one of the main benefits is people can work from anywhere without the need to travel to their workplace. Consequently, employees are now expected to work even from remote locations.

Homes Have Turned into Employees’ Workplace

Workers have always been inclined to perform better at a workplace where they are most comfortable. According to a study, employers who provide a plethora of choices for when and where to work were observed to be more innovative. This led to their employees being increasingly high-performing.

Since the pandemic has made the home not only people’s safehouse but also their workplace and educational institute, places outside and inside the workplace are becoming coworking spaces.

Health and Well Being Post Pandemic

Employees have always sought a healthy working environment, but unfortunately, in many cases, their needs were not being met. Since everyone is now reprioritizing the importance of health and well-being, the pressure for synergizing indoor and outdoor spaces has increased workers’ pressure.

Many have become accustomed to working inside their homes and hence adapting to the workspace where access to healthcare and other wellness opportunities is limited. The focus is on preventive health. We now see many more homes utilizing home fitness equipment and taking advantage of digital fitness platforms.

Privacy Inside their Homes

More collaborative areas for group work have arisen because of the trend toward a more open environment. Employees now want better space allocation instead of a reversal of these trends.

Studies have found that workers working in more open spaces gave a higher performance and greater experience. Despite that, privacy, noise, and the ability to focus are still major concerns for people.


While rethinking the future of office space, we must consider that most issues facing today’s workplace have not been created. They have arisen due to the pandemic situation.

It has created an opportunity for rethinking the physical workplace to come up with workspaces where employees are comfortable and perform with higher efficiency.

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